Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPortalEventFilter   
lumis.portal.event The portal event framework allows the sending of events and the register of observers to receive such events. Implements the portal's page HTML cache engine. 
lumis.portal.url Manages the resolution of page URLs. 
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in

Methods in that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter ContentIndexerObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.portal.cache

Methods in lumis.portal.cache that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter ClusterMembershipObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.portal.event

Methods in lumis.portal.event that return IPortalEventFilter
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.all()
          Returns an event filter that accepts all events.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.and(IPortalEventFilter... filters)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only events that all of the given filters would accept.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.byClasses(Class<?>... classes)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only events of any of the specified classes.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.byGroups(String... groups)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only event that contain any of the specified groups as its group.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.byInstanceOf(Class<?>... classes)
          Returns an event filter that accepts events that are instance of any the specified classes.
 IPortalEventFilter IPortalEventObserver.getEventFilter()
          Returns the event filter for this observer.
 IPortalEventFilter AbstractPortalEventObserver.getEventFilter()
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.not(IPortalEventFilter filter)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only events that the given filter would not accept.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.or(IPortalEventFilter... filters)
          Returns an event filter that accepts any event that any of the given filters would accept.

Methods in lumis.portal.event with parameters of type IPortalEventFilter
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.and(IPortalEventFilter... filters)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only events that all of the given filters would accept.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.not(IPortalEventFilter filter)
          Returns an event filter that accepts only events that the given filter would not accept.
static IPortalEventFilter PortalEventFilters.or(IPortalEventFilter... filters)
          Returns an event filter that accepts any event that any of the given filters would accept.

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in

Methods in that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter PageCacheObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.portal.publicdatafolder

Methods in lumis.portal.publicdatafolder that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter FileSystemObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance

Methods in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter ServiceInterfaceInstanceObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.portal.url

Methods in lumis.portal.url that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter URLConversionCacheObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.service.rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter RssObserver.getEventFilter()

Uses of IPortalEventFilter in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Methods in lumis.service.wsrp.producer that return IPortalEventFilter
 IPortalEventFilter ServiceInterfaceInstanceDeleteObserver.getEventFilter()

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