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    Editing Service Instance Properties

    To edit the properties of service instances in a channel:

    • With the left button on the “Portal” channel, or another channel, select Manage Service Instance;
    • In the channel's administrative area, select the desired Service Instance, and finally, select General Properties.
      In addition to the General Properties option, the service may have extended properties, which, when present, can be configured by selecting them respectively. In the image below, Search Properties and Categorization Service are examples of extended properties.

    The following properties of a service instance can be modified:


    • Name: Name of the service instance of a specific channel. For instantiable services, it is advisable to change the name of each instance to facilitate user identification when using the general search of the portal. Changing the name also facilitates when there is more than one instance of the same service in the same channel;
    • Description: Description of the service. If it is an instantiable service, it is advisable to change the description to characterize the instance;
    • Channel: Displays the location of the service instance in the portal's channel structure, starting from the portal channel. In addition, it allows transferring the service instance to another channel without losing the interface instance data located on the source channel's pages. Updates to interface instances are reflected on all pages that use such service instance.
    • Disable in-context editing: Disables in-context editing in the service instance (see In-Context Editing Mode). Thus, all in-context editing in the interface instances of this service instance will be disabled.
    • Automatically generate friendly identifier: Indicates whether the friendly identifier should be automatically generated by the portal.
    • Friendly Identification: Friendly identifier that represents this service instance. This identifier cannot repeat in two or more service instances belonging to the same parent channel. When generated automatically, the friendly identifier uses the name of the service instance as a basis for generation, with some transformations made to ensure uniqueness among child elements of the same parent. When not automatically generated, this field is mandatory, and it is recommended to use only lowercase unaccented alphanumeric characters, - and _ as value for this field, as well as not using reserved names (CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9). This field has a limit of 50 characters.
    • HTML processor priority: Integer number that defines the priority for executing the HTML processors of a service in relation to other service instances.

    Property Bags:


    In this tab, it is possible to add as many properties to the service instance as necessary, through the Property Bag feature. For more details, refer to the Property Bag topic.

    Area Tags:


    In this tab, it is possible to manage Area Tags of the service instance. It is also possible to view inherited Area Tags and/or define whether the instance will inherit the Area Tags of the channel to which it belongs. For more details, refer to the Area Tags topic.

    Activity Flow:

    • Activity Generator: Allows selecting the activity generator of channels with the template. This generator will be responsible for the activities generated in the channel.
    • Disabled: Disables activity generation in the channel.
    • Inherit generator: Inherits the generator from the parent channel.
    • Select Portal Processor: Allows selecting one of the registered activity processors.
    • Select the Processor: Allows selecting one of the registered activity processors in the portal.

    REST Support

    This tab groups the configuration tabs for REST support of the service. For each REST interface of the service, a tab is available where you can define the cache settings for the REST interface.

    General Settings


    In this tab, it is possible to enable REST support and define the REST name for the service instance.

    • Enable REST support: Indicates that the REST support offered by LumisXP is available for the service instance.
    • REST Name: Identifier used to reference the service instance during REST calls.

    REST Interface Settings

    • Fields: defines whether the REST request can return all fields of each item in the JSON or maintain the default behavior of the interface.

      Note: The Force all option works by changing the definition of the source being used for your fields element to declare inherit="all". This may not work with all interfaces, especially interfaces whose source has greater complexity and customizations, depending on implementation details. The use of this option should be tested in each case to confirm its behavior and that the interface is compatible.
      The fields returned by default by the REST remain the same, with this option now making the other fields also available for request using the lumReturnFields parameter.

    The options for caching are:

    • Enabled: determines whether the response to the REST interface request should be stored in memory cache.
    • Cache Expiration Time: informs that the cache for a REST interface request should automatically expire after a certain time. The default value defined by the portal (unless the service changes this default) is never expiring. If the solution finds it necessary for the instance to update its values periodically, it can specify in the field the frequency at which the interface instance will expire its cache after its last generation.
    • Key: REST interfaces can have greater granularity in how their cache is generated. The default value defined by the portal (unless the service changes this default) is to use the service instance and language. The solution can alter the default values using the Business Context. Under the “Context” option, the portal will list all available context properties on the current website.


    This tab groups additional service properties.



    In this tab, it is possible to view control data for the service.

    • ID: ID of this service instance.
    • Service ID: ID of the service for this instance.
    • Service type: Type of the service.