Open the menu

    Navigation Bar : Edit

    In this interface, it is possible to edit previously registered menu items.


    • It is an administration interface


    • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Name of the menu item linked to a page or URL.
    • Description (text) : Brief explanation of the registered menu item.
    • Parent content (parent content) : Allows informing which will be the "parent" menu item (already registered) of the item to be registered. When the "parent" menu item is at level zero, it will only be displayed if the "Hide level zero" property is enabled.
    • Image (media) : Optional field that displays the image registered in the chosen image repository. The product's default XSLs do not render the registered image.
    • Position (integer, required field) : Mandatory field that determines the position of the menu item in the navigation bar.
    • Open in (integer, required field)
    • Popup properties (string, maximum length: 255)
    • Type (integer, required field) : Mandatory field that determines whether the menu item will take the form of a link to a URL, Channel Tree (to choose a hierarchical structure of channels and pages to represent) or if the form will be determined in the implementation of a Class Java.
    • Url (string, maximum length: 255) : If the menu item takes the form of a link, it is necessary to inform the URL (with the http:// protocol) that it will reference.
    • Class name (string, maximum length: 255) : If the menu item takes the type implemented in a Class, it is necessary to inform the name of such file.
    • Channel (internal channel) : If the menu item is of the type Channel Tree, it is necessary to inform a structure of the portal channels that will compose the menu, the name assigned to the menu item will replace the parent channel of the chosen structure.
    • Maximum level (integer) : If the menu item is of the type Channel Tree, it is necessary to inform the number of levels of the structure that will compose the menu (choice from 0 to 10 levels, or unlimited value).
    • Hide level zero (boolean, required field) : If the menu item is of the type Channel Tree, it is possible to determine whether the menu item (corresponding to level "0") will be displayed or not in the navigation bar.
    • Publication
      • Publish to users: Allows specifying which people can access this content. This may influence search results.?
    • Language: Control the language of the current content and its viewing behavior.?
      • Language: Specify the language of the current content. By default it chooses the language the user is browsing.
      • Translate to



    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit