Banners : Add
- It is an administration interface
- Name (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Identification of the banner.
- Description (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Brief description of the banner for better identification. This text will be displayed as a caption when the user hovers over the banner.
- Category (string, maximum length: 32) : Classification to which a banner is assigned for grouping purposes. The values for the category field must be previously registered in the category administration. It is possible to register a banner without classifying it.
- Weight (integer, required field) : This mandatory property applies to banners that will be published in the same area of banners. For banners configured as random, this field allows determining the display probability of a banner relative to others, assigning a value from 1 to 100 for this field. In non-random (sequential) banners, the banners are displayed in descending order of weight.
- Type (integer, required field) : Indicates the type of content of the banner. Possible values are:
- Image: The banner will be displayed as an image that may contain a link to an external URL or an internal page of the portal.
- Flash: The banner will be displayed as a flash-type animation.
- Html: The banner will be displayed as HTML content.
- Image (media) : Image file to be displayed in the banner. This field is only displayed if the banner is of type Image or Flash. If the banner is of type Flash, the chosen media file must have the extension .swf.
- Link Type (integer) : This field is only displayed if the banner is of type Image. It determines whether the image will act as a link to a URL or internal page. Possible values are:
- URL: The link will be to an external URL;
- Internal Page: Allows selecting a page from the portal. The link will be to the specified page;
- No Link: The image will not act as a link.
- Url (string, maximum length: 1000) : Definition of the external URL (with the protocol) to be used as a link when the banner is of type Image and the link type is URL.
- Open in popup (boolean) : Defines whether the link will be opened in a popup, for banners of type Image with Link Type for external URL.
- Popup Properties (string, maximum length: 255) : Allows defining popup properties if the banner is of type Image with Link Type for external URL and the Open in Popup option is checked.
- Page (string, maximum length: 32) : Allows selecting an internal page from the portal to be used as a link when the banner is of type Image and the link type is Internal Page.
- Width (integer, default value: 600) : Define the width, in pixels, with which the flash should be displayed, if the banner is of type Flash.
- Height (integer, default value: 200) : Define the height, in pixels, with which the flash should be displayed, if the banner is of type Flash.
- Html (html) : HTML content to be displayed by the banner. This field is only displayed if the banner is of type HTML.
- Publication
- Publication Period?
- From: The date this content will be published. If it is searchable, the search will only find this content after this date.
- Until: The date this content will be archived. If it is searchable, the search will not find this content after this date.
- Publish to instances: Publish the current content to multiple websites/instances?
- Publish to users: Allows specifying which people can access this content. This may influence search results.?
- Publication Period?
- Language: Control the language of the current content and its display behavior.?
- Language: Specify the language of the current content. By default it chooses the language that the user is browsing.
- Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.
- commit