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    The theme functionality allows you to change the appearance of a specific area of the portal by applying a specific theme.

    The available themes for use in the portal can be managed at Settings > Portal Themes.

    The themes can be applied to channels and pages, and they can optionally inherit themes from the parent channel. This configuration can be done by editing the properties of the channels and pages.

    A theme is capable of replacing XSLs applied to interfaces, replacing page layout files, replacing public resources referenced by the page's HTML, replacing entries of location strings, and choosing the default behavior for opening other interfaces.

    Portal themes require a definition file named themedefinition.xml. This file must be created within a folder in the classpath of the application (that is, in a Java package). All content within the folder that contains this file (including its sub-folders) must be files belonging to the theme.

    The theme definition has the following properties:

    • name: Required. Name of the theme displayed in the administrative interface.
    • description: Optional. Description of the theme displayed in the administrative interface.
    • openRuntimeInterfaceWithoutActiveParentBehavior: Optional. Defines the default behavior for opening runtime interfaces that do not require an active parent window. It can take the following values:
      • popup: Indicates that the runtime interface will be opened in a browser popup window.
      • replace: Indicates that the runtime interface will be rendered in the place of the interface that is opening it, replacing it.
      • lightbox: Indicates that the runtime interface will be opened in a lightbox styled element.
    • openRuntimeInterfaceWithActiveParentBehavior: Optional. Defines the default behavior for opening runtime interfaces that require an active parent window. It can take the following values:
      • popup: Indicates that the runtime interface will be opened in a browser popup window.
      • lightbox: Indicates that the runtime interface will be opened in a lightbox styled element.

    The XSD namespace is, its location in the distribution is lumisdata/def/lumis/portal/theme/themedefinition.xsd.