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    In the Themes tab, you can configure the themes that are applied to the page.

    In the figure below, the page "Calendar" is using the theme "Classic Theme" and is not inheriting any theme from the parent. Below are detailed the elements of the interface.

    • Themes: Allows adding themes to the page. The order of the themes indicates the order of their application. The theme at the bottom is applied over the result of the application of the theme above it. Therefore, the theme that is at the bottom can override characteristics of the themes above it.
    • Inherit themes: This setting indicates whether this page should inherit themes from its parent channel. Below this option, the themes that will be inherited if this option is enabled are displayed. The inherited themes are always applied before the themes configured directly on the page, allowing the latter to override characteristics of the inherited themes.


    You can add custom CSS files that can overwrite portal.css (the default css file of the portal). You can customize CSS styles related to fonts, background color of the page, etc.

    For example, the value of background can be configured using the following style: #LumisAdminPage. In portal.css this value is gray and can be overridden by any CSS of the solution.

    • CSS: Allows adding CSS files that contain formatting for the page. You can add as many files as necessary. If multiple files contain formatting for the same area, the portal will adopt the formatting contained in the last one on the list. Ensure that the order of the files can be modified through the Move Up and Move Down actions. The formatting contained in added files also overrides the inherited formatting. If necessary, files can be removed.
    • Inherit CSS usage: It is allowed to inherit CSS formatting from a list of files. This list corresponds to the CSS files added to higher channels. The last file in the list takes priority over the penultimate and so on. Considering the previous figure, the page "Administration" is using the formatting from the file "intranet.css" which overrides the formatting defined in the file "portal.css". If inheritance is disabled, the page will adopt only the CSS styles added for it.