Uses of Interface

Packages that use INavigationLogger

Uses of INavigationLogger in lumis.portal.presentation

Fields in lumis.portal.presentation declared as INavigationLogger
protected static INavigationLogger PresentationControllerHtml.navigationLogger

Uses of INavigationLogger in lumis.service.banner

Classes in lumis.service.banner that implement INavigationLogger
 class BannerLogger
          Logs banner events in the W3C Extended format.

Uses of INavigationLogger in lumis.util.log

Classes in lumis.util.log that implement INavigationLogger
 class NavigationLogger
          A logger to log the accesses in the W3C Extended format.

Methods in lumis.util.log that return INavigationLogger
static INavigationLogger LoggerFactory.getNavigationLogger()
          Returns a logger that outputs to the navigation log.

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