Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISocialNetwork
lumis.socialnetwork This package contains the main classes to provide the Private Social Network in the Lumis Portal. 
lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile This package contains classes to provide information about Social Profile Information. 

Uses of ISocialNetwork in lumis.doui.socialprofile.integration

Methods in lumis.doui.socialprofile.integration with parameters of type ISocialNetwork
 void DouiSourceSocialProfileProvider.setSocialNetwork(ISocialNetwork socialNetwork)

Uses of ISocialNetwork in lumis.socialnetwork

Classes in lumis.socialnetwork that implement ISocialNetwork
 class SocialNetwork
          Social Network Entity

Methods in lumis.socialnetwork that return ISocialNetwork
 ISocialNetwork ISocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetworkByChannelId(String channelId)
          Get an instance of ISocialProfileConfig based in ChannelConfig identifier.
 ISocialNetwork ISocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetworkByServiceInstanceId(String serviceInstanceId)
          Get an instance of ISocialProfileConfig based in ServiceInstanceConfig identifier.

Uses of ISocialNetwork in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile

Fields in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile declared as ISocialNetwork
protected  ISocialNetwork AbstractSocialProfileProvider.socialNetwork
          Social Network information that will be used for the methods defined in the ISocialProfileProvider interface.

Methods in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile with parameters of type ISocialNetwork
 ISocialProfile ISocialProfileManager.getSocialProfileById(String userId, ISocialNetwork socialNetwork)
          Get an instance of ISocialProfile based in Social Profile identifier.
 List<ISocialProfile> ISocialProfileManager.getSocialProfilesByKeyword(String userId, ISocialNetwork socialNetwork)
          Get a list of ISocialProfile list of profiles identifier existing.
 void ISocialProfileProvider.setSocialNetwork(ISocialNetwork socialNetwork)
          Sets the social network information on the scope of execution, that will be used by the others methods to extract all informations necessary.
 void AbstractSocialProfileProvider.setSocialNetwork(ISocialNetwork socialNetwork)

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