Package lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action

Package class diagram package lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action
Provides social network integration process actions used by social network integration service.


Class Summary
ApplicationAccountProcessActionHandler Process Action Handler to enable/disable Application Accounts.
MessageProcessActionHandler Process Action Handler to add, update or delete public social network messages.
SelectAccountServiceInstanceProcessActionHandler Process Action Handler to set the account scope.
SocialNetworkAccountAddPropertyPage Interface responsible for adding the social network account and determining if the interface was called by the callback url passed to the social network authorization sites.
SocialNetworkAuthenticationProcessActionHandler Responsible for building authorization calls for social network redirect.
SocialNetworkCallbackProcessActionHandler Responsible for handling callback after user authorization in remote Social Network.

Package lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action Description

Provides social network integration process actions used by social network integration service.


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