Uses of Class

Packages that use RssConfig

Uses of RssConfig in lumis.service.rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss that return RssConfig
 RssConfig RssManager.get(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String id, ITransaction transaction)
 RssConfig IRssManager.get(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String id, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the RssConfig for a Rss with the given id.
 RssConfig RssDao.get(String id, ITransaction transaction)
 RssConfig IRssDao.get(String id, ITransaction transaction)
          Get the Rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss with parameters of type RssConfig
 void RssManager.generateRssXmlFile(SessionConfig sessionConfig, RssConfig rssConfig, String oldPath, ITransaction transaction)
 void IRssManager.generateRssXmlFile(SessionConfig sessionConfig, RssConfig rssConfig, String oldPath, ITransaction transaction)
          Generate the Rss Xml File
 Collection<RssResultRow> RssDao.getResults(RssConfig rssConfig, ITransaction transaction)
 Collection<RssResultRow> IRssDao.getResults(RssConfig rssConfig, ITransaction transaction)
          Get the results of the Rss Xml file
protected  void RssManager.prepare(RssConfig rssConfig, ITransaction transaction)
          Prepare data and validate to insert in table

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