Package lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control

Package class diagram package lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control
Class Summary
FriendlyIdValidationControl Validates the friendly identifier depending on its value and in automatic value.
RestShortNameValidationControl Validates the restEnabled identifier depending if the rest support is enabled.
SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControlWithCustomCallbackFunction SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl extension that allows to add a custom implementation of the callback function to the standard one.
WebsiteChangeCheckControl Website check control.
Integrates with SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControlWithCustomCallbackFunction to call the WebsiteControllerHtml and verify if the selected channel belongs to other website then the current one.
WebsiteControllerHtml Implements operations over websites.

Enum Summary
WebsiteControllerHtml.Method Supported methods.

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