Class AnyDataType

Package class diagram package AnyDataType
  extended by lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
      extended by lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
          extended by lumis.service.chatroom.AnyDataType
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDouiDataType, ISourceFieldDataType

public class AnyDataType
extends AbstractSourceFieldDataType

A data type that allows any type of value.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getId()
          Returns the id for this data type.
 String getQueryDataType()
          Returns a QueryFieldTypes constant for a query data type the value of this source field data type is best suited to be kept in.
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
createConverter, equals, getConverter, getDefaultInputControlType, getDefaultViewControlType, getDefinitionLocale, getDefinitionPattern, getValueClass, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
getConverter, getDefaultInputControlType, getDefaultViewControlType, getDefinitionLocale, getDefinitionPattern, getValueClass

Constructor Detail


public AnyDataType()
Method Detail


public String getQueryDataType()
Description copied from interface: ISourceFieldDataType
Returns a QueryFieldTypes constant for a query data type the value of this source field data type is best suited to be kept in.

Specified by:
getQueryDataType in interface ISourceFieldDataType
Specified by:
getQueryDataType in class AbstractSourceFieldDataType
a QueryFieldTypes constant.


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: IDouiDataType
Returns the id for this data type.

Specified by:
getId in interface IDouiDataType
Specified by:
getId in class AbstractDouiDataType
the id for this data type.

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