Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWebsiteBaseURL   
lumis.portal.presentation Provides the classes related to portal's websites feature. 

Uses of IWebsiteBaseURL in

Methods in with parameters of type IWebsiteBaseURL
 void PageLinkConfig.addWebsiteBaseURL(IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL)
          Adds an identifier of a website base URL.
 PageLinkConfig PageLinkManager.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, ITransaction transaction)
 PageLinkConfig IPageLinkManager.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the most appropriate home page, based on the given website base URL.
 PageLinkConfig PageLinkManager.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction transaction)
 PageLinkConfig IPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the most appropriate home page is identified based on the website, priority and Context Rules.
 PageLinkConfig PageLinkManager.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, String channelId, ITransaction transaction)
 PageLinkConfig IPageLinkManager.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, String channelId, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the most appropriate login page, based on the given website base URL and destination channel identifier.
 PageLinkConfig PageLinkManager.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, String channelId, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction transaction)
 PageLinkConfig IPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, String channelId, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the most appropriate login page is identified based on the website, priority, Context Rules and destination channel identifier.

Uses of IWebsiteBaseURL in lumis.portal.presentation

Methods in lumis.portal.presentation with parameters of type IWebsiteBaseURL
 PageConfig PresentationManager.getDefaultPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String pageId, String channelId, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, int mode, ITransaction daoTransaction)
 PageConfig IPresentationManager.getDefaultPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String pageId, String channelId, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, int mode, ITransaction daoTransaction)
          Get the default Page.
 PageConfig PresentationManager.getDefaultPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String pageId, String channelId, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, int mode, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction transaction)
 PageConfig IPresentationManagerSPI.getDefaultPage(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String pageId, String channelId, IWebsiteBaseURL websiteBaseURL, int mode, PortalRequestContext requestContext, ITransaction daoTransaction)
          Get the default Page.

Uses of IWebsiteBaseURL in

Subinterfaces of IWebsiteBaseURL in
 interface IWebsiteMainBaseURL
          A base URL that is a main base URL of a website.

Methods in that return IWebsiteBaseURL
 IWebsiteBaseURL WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest.getBaseURL()
          Returns the baseURL.
 IWebsiteBaseURL WebsiteManager.getWebsiteBaseURL(HttpServletRequest request)
 IWebsiteBaseURL IWebsiteManager.getWebsiteBaseURL(HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the website's base URL that a request corresponds to.
static IWebsiteBaseURL WebsiteUtil.getWebsiteBaseURLById(String id)
          Returns the website base URL based on its identification.
static IWebsiteBaseURL WebsiteUtil.resolveWebsiteBaseURLByString(String websiteStr)
          Resolves the given website string in a website base URL.
The given string will be parsed as new URI(String), so that it must adhere with URI syntax.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IWebsiteBaseURL
 Collection<IWebsiteBaseURL> Website.getAdditionalBaseURLs()
          Returns the additional base URLs of this web site.
 Collection<IWebsiteBaseURL> IWebsite.getAdditionalBaseURLs()
          Returns the additional base URLs of this web site.

Methods in with parameters of type IWebsiteBaseURL
static String WebsiteUtil.getId(IWebsiteBaseURL url)
          Returns the identifier of the given website base URL.
 void Website.removeAdditionalBaseURL(IWebsiteBaseURL url)
          Removes an additional base URL from this website.
static void WebsiteUtil.updateWebsiteBaseURL(IWebsiteBaseURL baseURL, String domain, int port, String path)
          Updates the given base URL with the given parameters.

Constructors in with parameters of type IWebsiteBaseURL
WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest(IWebsiteBaseURL baseURL, String adjustmentBasePath)
          Creates a new instance with the given base URL and adjustment path.

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