Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWebsite
lumis.portal.file Implements the portal's page HTML cache engine.   
lumis.portal.structure.sync Structure synchronization implementation. 
lumis.portal.url Manages the resolution of page URLs. 
lumis.portal.webfilereplication Contains the classes for web file replication feature. Provides the classes related to portal's websites feature. 

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor

Methods in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor with parameters of type IWebsite
static String HtmlEditorControl.encodeHtmlToFCK(String html, IWebsite currentWebsite, boolean baseSecure)

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.file

Methods in lumis.portal.file that return IWebsite
static IWebsite FileUtil.getWebsiteByFile(FileConfig fileConfig, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns the website of the given file (the website that contains the file's service instance).

Uses of IWebsite in

Methods in with parameters of type IWebsite
protected  void PageCacheManager.deleteHtmlFiles(IWebsite website, String filePath, boolean deleteShadowCacheHtml)
          Delete the HTML cache files for the specified path.

Uses of IWebsite in

Methods in that return IWebsite
 IWebsite PageLinkConfig.getWebsiteObject()
          Returns the website object that contains all informations about the website and URLs.

Methods in with parameters of type IWebsite
 void PageLinkConfig.setWebsite(IWebsite website)
          Sets the websiteData.

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.service

Methods in lumis.portal.service with parameters of type IWebsite
 void IService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IWebsite oldWebsite, IWebsite newWebsite, ITransaction transaction)
          Called to indicate the given service instance has been moved from a website to another one.
 void GenericService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IWebsite oldWebsite, IWebsite newWebsite, ITransaction transaction)

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.servicecontainer

Methods in lumis.portal.servicecontainer with parameters of type IWebsite
 void ServiceContainerUrl.setBaseWebsite(IWebsite baseWebsite)
          Deprecated. Sets the website this URL is based on.

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.structure.sync

Methods in lumis.portal.structure.sync that return IWebsite
 IWebsite ChannelResume.getWebsite()
          Returns the website this channel belongs to.

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.url

Methods in lumis.portal.url that return IWebsite
 IWebsite WebResource.getWebsite()
          Returns the website this web resource belongs to.

Methods in lumis.portal.url with parameters of type IWebsite
 String URLManager.convertHTMLPathsToDynamicPaths(String html, IWebsite baseWebsite)
 String IURLManager.convertHTMLPathsToDynamicPaths(String html, IWebsite baseWebsite)
          Replaces, in an HTML code, paths to web resources by the corresponding dynamic path.
 URI URLManager.getWebResourceURI(String dynamicPath, Locale locale, IWebsite baseWebsite, boolean baseSecure)
 URI IURLManager.getWebResourceURI(String dynamicPath, Locale locale, IWebsite baseWebsite, boolean baseSecure)
          Returns the URI for referencing a web resource given its dynamic path.
 String URLManager.processHTMLDynamicPathReferences(String htmlContent, Locale locale, IWebsite baseWebsite, boolean baseSecure)
 String IURLManager.processHTMLDynamicPathReferences(String htmlContent, Locale locale, IWebsite baseWebsite, boolean baseSecure)
          Processes references to dynamic paths in a given HTML code.
protected  void WebResource.setWebsite(IWebsite website)
          Sets the website this web resource belongs to.

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.portal.webfilereplication

Methods in lumis.portal.webfilereplication that return IWebsite
 IWebsite WebFileReplication.getWebsite()
          Returns the website of this replication.

Uses of IWebsite in

Classes in that implement IWebsite
 class Website
          Website entity implementation.

Methods in that return IWebsite
 IWebsite WebsiteManager.get(String id)
          Returns the website with the given identifier.
 IWebsite WebsiteManager.getDefaultWebsite()
 IWebsite IWebsiteManagerSPI.getDefaultWebsite()
          Returns the website flagged as the default website.
 IWebsite IWebsiteBaseURL.getWebsite()
          Returns the website this base URL belongs to.
 IWebsite WebsiteManager.getWebsiteByChannelId(String channelId)
 IWebsite IWebsiteManagerSPI.getWebsiteByChannelId(String channelId)
          Returns the website that the specific channel belongs to.
 IWebsite WebsiteManager.getWebsiteByChannelId(String channelId, FlushModeType flushModeType)
          Returns the website that the specific channel belongs to using the specified FlushModeType.
 IWebsite WebsiteManager.getWebsiteByChannelIdNonRecursively(String channelId, FlushModeType flushModeType)
          Returns the channel's Website non-recursively (i.e.
static IWebsite WebsiteUtil.resolveWebsiteByString(String websiteStr)
          Resolves the given website string in a website.
The given string will be parsed as new URI(String), so that it must adhere with URI syntax.

Methods in with parameters of type IWebsite
 void WebsiteManager.changeChannelWebsite(String channelId, IWebsite newWebsite, IWebsite oldWebsite, boolean changeEvenIfIsWebsiteRoot)
          Performs the necessary changes in the given channel by letting use the old Website and use the new Website.
 void WebsiteManager.moveServiceInstanceFiles(String serviceInstanceId, IWebsite newWebsite, IWebsite oldWebsite, ITransaction transaction)
          Moves the service instance files from the old website to the new one.
 void WebsiteManager.setDefaultWebsite(IWebsite website)
 void IWebsiteManagerSPI.setDefaultWebsite(IWebsite website)
          Sets which website is the default website.

Uses of IWebsite in lumis.service.rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss with parameters of type IWebsite
 void RssService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IWebsite oldWebsite, IWebsite newWebsite, ITransaction transaction)
 void RssManager.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IWebsite oldWebsite, IWebsite newWebsite, ITransaction transaction)
 void IRssManager.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IWebsite oldWebsite, IWebsite newWebsite, ITransaction transaction)
          Moves the public files from the old website to the new one.

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