Uses of Class

Packages that use WebServicePortalFault

Uses of WebServicePortalFault in lumis.portal.webservice.authentication

Methods in lumis.portal.webservice.authentication that throw WebServicePortalFault
 String AuthenticationService.loginUser(String login, String password)
          Logins a user using the specified password as his credentials, and returns the new sessionId for the logged in user.
 void AuthenticationService.logoutUser(String sessionId)
          Close the user's session given the sessionId.

Uses of WebServicePortalFault in lumis.portal.webservice.user

Methods in lumis.portal.webservice.user that throw WebServicePortalFault
 String UserService.add(String sessionId, User user, String password)
          Add a user to portal and returns its identifier.
 void UserService.delete(String sessionId, String userId)
          Delete a user
 User UserService.get(String sessionId, String userId)
          Get a User object by its identifier
 String UserService.getUserIdByLogin(String sessionId, String login)
          Get a user identifier by its login
 void UserService.setPassword(String sessionId, String userId, String password)
          Change a user's password
 void UserService.update(String sessionId, User user)
          Update a user's data.

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