Uses of Class

Packages that use WebResource Implements the portal's page HTML cache engine. 
lumis.portal.url Manages the resolution of page URLs. 

Uses of WebResource in

Subclasses of WebResource in
 class ChannelWebResource
          A web resource that corresponds to a link that is directly to a channel.

Methods in that return WebResource
 WebResource ChannelManager.createWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath)
 WebResource ChannelWebResource.getParent()

Methods in with parameters of type WebResource
 String ChannelManager.adjustResolvedFriendlyPath(WebResource webResource, String friendlyPath)
 boolean ChannelManager.isCacheEnabled(WebResource webResource)

Uses of WebResource in

Subclasses of WebResource in
 class PageWebResource
          A page web resource is a concrete derivation of a PageConfig, that may be rendered or linked to.

Methods in that return WebResource
 WebResource PageManager.createWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath)
 WebResource PageWebResource.getParent()

Methods in with parameters of type WebResource
 String PageManager.adjustResolvedFriendlyPath(WebResource webResource, String friendlyPath)
 boolean PageManager.isCacheEnabled(WebResource webResource)

Uses of WebResource in

Methods in that return WebResource
 WebResource PageCacheConfig.getWebResource()

Methods in with parameters of type WebResource
 String IPageCacheQueueResolver.resolveQueue(WebResource webResource)
          Resolves the queue to be used for the cache of a web resource.
 String DefaultPageCacheQueueResolver.resolveQueue(WebResource webResource)

Constructors in with parameters of type WebResource
PageCacheConfig(WebResource webResource)
          Creates a PageCacheConfig for a web resource.

Uses of WebResource in lumis.portal.url

Methods in lumis.portal.url that return WebResource
protected  WebResource WebResource.clone()
 WebResource IWebResourceFactory.createWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath)
          Creates a WebResource instance based on a dynamic path.
protected  WebResource WebResourceDiscoveryFilter.findWebResource(HttpServletRequest request, WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest websiteRequest)
          Returns the web resource for the given request.
abstract  WebResource WebResource.getParent()
          Returns the web resource of the parent element of this web resource.
static WebResource WebResourceDiscoveryFilter.getWebResource(ServletRequest request)
          Returns the web resource for the given request.
 WebResource URLManager.getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath, IURLManager.CreateStrategy createStrategy)
 WebResource IURLManager.getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath, IURLManager.CreateStrategy createStrategy)
          Returns a web resource for the given dynamic path.
 WebResource URLManager.getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath, IURLManager.CreateStrategy createStrategy, Locale locale)
 WebResource IURLManager.getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String dynamicPath, IURLManager.CreateStrategy createStrategy, Locale locale)
          Returns a web resource for the given dynamic path.

Methods in lumis.portal.url with parameters of type WebResource
 String IWebResourceFactory.adjustResolvedFriendlyPath(WebResource webResource, String friendlyPath)
          Adjusts a friendly path that has been resolved for a web resource.
 void URLManager.clearPageCacheReference(WebResource webResource)
          Clears the page cache reference in a web resource.
 boolean IWebResourceFactory.isCacheEnabled(WebResource webResource)
          Returns if the cache is enabled for a web resource.
 String IURLResolver.resolveFriendlyPath(WebResource resource, String currentPath)
          Resolves the friendly path for a web resource.
 String GenericURLResolver.resolveFriendlyPath(WebResource resource, String currentPath)
protected  Object GenericURLResolver.resolveVariable(String variableName, WebResource webResource, String currentPath)
          Resolves a variable in the friendly path expression.
protected  boolean WebResourceDiscoveryFilter.shouldRedirectPath(HttpServletRequest request, WebResource webResource)
          Checks if there is a need to perform a redirect to the web resource's path.

Method parameters in lumis.portal.url with type arguments of type WebResource
 void URLManager.setWebResourcesMissingData(IWebResourceFactory webResourceFactory, Collection<WebResource> webResources, boolean cacheEnabled, boolean friendlyURLEnabled)
 void IURLManager.setWebResourcesMissingData(IWebResourceFactory webResourceFactory, Collection<WebResource> webResources, boolean cacheEnabled, boolean friendlyURLEnabled)
          Sets missing data in the given web resources.

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