Package lumis.portal.serialization.operation

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.serialization.operation
Interface Summary
ICloneableConfig<T> Public version of the interface Cloneable, to be implemented by portal objects that can be delayed persisted
IConfigDeleter Performs a config deletion operation
IConfigKeyChecker Checks if a foreign key matches an already persisted object
IConfigPersister Performs a config persistence (add or update) operation

Class Summary
ConfigDeletion Represents a config deletion operation
ConfigDependencyAnalyzer<T extends ICloneableConfig<T>> Responsible for analyze foreign key dependencies of a portal object being deserialized.
ConfigForeignKey Represents a foreign key (field) of a portal object
ConfigOperation Represents a config operation.
ConfigPersistence Represents a config persistence operation
DependentConfigOperationCollection<O extends ConfigOperation> Collection for config operations that depends on other previous operations

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