
Package class diagram package
Provides access to report configuration and definition.


Interface Summary
IReportManager Provides report related operations.

Class Summary
Report Holds configuration information of a Report.
ReportManager Implementation of report management operations.
ReportParameter A parameter entry of a Report.
ReportType The type of a Report.
ReportTypeParameter A parameter of a report type.

Package Description

Provides access to report configuration and definition.

Operations are provided by IReportManager, available in lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal.getReportManager().

Entities in this package may also be accessed through EntityManager available in ManagerFactory.getEntityManager(). The entities are ReportType, ReportTypeParameter, Report and ReportParameter.

A ReportType contains definitions and configurations for a type based on which Report may be created. Report may also contain some specific configurations, and are the instances on which the user generates the report view.


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