Uses of Interface

Packages that use IQueueTask
lumis.portal.file.transformation Provides the file transformations. 
lumis.portal.processqueue Provides the objects for asynchronous processing in queue. 
lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action Provides social network integration process actions. 

Uses of IQueueTask in lumis.portal.file.transformation

Classes in lumis.portal.file.transformation that implement IQueueTask
 class CopyTransformationsToPublicFolderTask
          Copies the transformed files of a fileConfig to the public folder if there is one configured.
 class MoveTransformedPublicFilesTask
          Moves the public transformed files of a FileConfig to the current web root folder.
 class RemoveTransformationsFromPublicFolderTask
          Removes the transformed files of a list of file configs.
 class RemoveTransformationTask
          Runnable to performs transformation remove.
 class RemoveTransformedFilesTask
          Runnable to performs remove transformed files.
 class TransformationStartingTask
          Queue Task to start Transformations in File Config
 class TransformationTask
          Runnable to performs file transformation.
 class UpdateTransformationTask
          Runnable to performs the transformation update.

Uses of IQueueTask in lumis.portal.processqueue

Classes in lumis.portal.processqueue that implement IQueueTask
 class AbstractQueueTask
          Default abstract implementation of IQueueTask for default behaviors.

Methods in lumis.portal.processqueue that return IQueueTask
 IQueueTask QueueTaskProcess.getTask()
          Returns the process' task.
 IQueueTask IQueueTaskProcess.getTask()
          Returns the process' task.

Methods in lumis.portal.processqueue with parameters of type IQueueTask
protected  QueueTaskProcess QueueManager.createQueueItem(IQueueTask task, String groupId, String title)
          Helper method to create a QueueTaskProcess based on values passed.
protected  QueueTaskProcess QueueManager.createQueueItem(IQueueTask task, String groupId, String title, Date scheduledDate)
          Helper method to create a QueueTaskProcess based on values passed.
 String QueueManager.schedule(IQueueTask task, Date schedule)
 String IProcessQueueManager.schedule(IQueueTask task, Date schedule)
          Schedules an IQueueTask to be executed at a specific time.
 String QueueManager.schedule(IQueueTask task, Date schedule, String group, String title)
 String IProcessQueueManager.schedule(IQueueTask task, Date schedule, String group, String title)
          Schedules an IQueueTask to be executed at a specific time, in the specified group, with the informed title.
 String QueueManager.send(IQueueTask task)
 String IProcessQueueManager.send(IQueueTask task)
          Sends a IQueueTask to be executed.
 String QueueManager.send(IQueueTask task, String groupId)
 String IProcessQueueManager.send(IQueueTask task, String groupId)
          Sends a IQueueTask to be executed in within the order of a group.
 String QueueManager.send(IQueueTask task, String groupId, String title)
 String IProcessQueueManager.send(IQueueTask task, String groupId, String title)
          Sends an IQueueTask to the queue for a specific group with the given title.
 String QueueManager.send(String title, IQueueTask task)
 String IProcessQueueManager.send(String title, IQueueTask task)
          Sends an IQueueTask to the queue with the given title.
 void QueueTaskProcess.setTask(IQueueTask task)
          Returns the process' task.

Uses of IQueueTask in lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action

Classes in lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action that implement IQueueTask
 class AbstractMessageAction
          High level representation of what the Mesasge/Content interactions with the Asynch queues should be.
 class ContentMessagePublisher
          MessagePublisher specific for Content Associated Messages.
 class ContentMessageUpdater
          MessageUpdater specific for Content Associated Messages.
 class MessagePublisher
          Action to publish a message to a social network.
 class MessageRemover
          Removes a message from the targeted social network, if it allows.
 class MessageUpdater
          Updates a message in the targeted social network, if it allows.

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