Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPortalBaseFolder
lumis.portal.filesystem Provides the API for accessing the portal file system. 
lumis.portal.service Provides the classes related to portal's websites feature. 

Uses of IPortalBaseFolder in lumis.portal.filesystem

Classes in lumis.portal.filesystem that implement IPortalBaseFolder
 class AbstractPortalBaseFolder
          Abstract IPortalBaseFolder implementation, used as base class for some implementations.
 class PortalBaseFolder
          Specifies a portal standard base folder.

Methods in lumis.portal.filesystem that return IPortalBaseFolder
 IPortalBaseFolder PortalFilePath.getPortalBaseFolder()
          Returns the base folder for this path.

Constructors in lumis.portal.filesystem with parameters of type IPortalBaseFolder
PortalFilePath(IPortalBaseFolder baseFolder, String relativePath)
          Creates a portal file path from a base folder and a relative path.

Uses of IPortalBaseFolder in lumis.portal.serialization

Constructors in lumis.portal.serialization with parameters of type IPortalBaseFolder
FileCopyTransactionObserver(String sourceFilePath, IDirectory sourceDirectory, String destinationFilePath, IPortalBaseFolder destinationRelativePathType)
FileCopyTransactionObserver(String sourceFilePath, IPortalBaseFolder sourceRelativePathType, String destinationFilePath, IPortalBaseFolder destinationRelativePathType)

Uses of IPortalBaseFolder in lumis.portal.service

Methods in lumis.portal.service with parameters of type IPortalBaseFolder
 void IService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IPortalBaseFolder oldWebRootFolder, IPortalBaseFolder newWebRootFolder, ITransaction transaction)
          Called to indicate the given service instance has been moved from a web root base folder to another one.
 void GenericService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IPortalBaseFolder oldWebRootFolder, IPortalBaseFolder newWebRootFolder, ITransaction transaction)

Uses of IPortalBaseFolder in

Subinterfaces of IPortalBaseFolder in
 interface IWebRootPortalBaseFolder
          The base folder of a website web root.

Uses of IPortalBaseFolder in lumis.service.rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss with parameters of type IPortalBaseFolder
 void RssService.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IPortalBaseFolder oldWebRootFolder, IPortalBaseFolder newWebRootFolder, ITransaction transaction)
 void RssManager.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IPortalBaseFolder oldBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder newBaseFolder, ITransaction transaction)
 void IRssManager.instanceMoved(SessionConfig sessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig serviceInstance, IPortalBaseFolder oldBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder newBaseFolder, ITransaction transaction)
          Moves the public files from the old base folder to the new one.

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