Uses of Interface

Packages that use IModule
lumis.portal.deployment Provides the API for Lumis Portal module deployment. 

Uses of IModule in lumis.portal.deployment

Methods in lumis.portal.deployment that return IModule
 IModule IDeploymentManager.distribute(String moduleId, InputStream moduleArchive)
          Distributes a module archive to the portal servers.
 IModule DeploymentManager.distribute(String moduleId, InputStream moduleArchive)
 IModule IDeploymentManager.getModule(String moduleId)
          Returns the module with the specified identifier.
 IModule DeploymentManager.getModule(String moduleId)

Methods in lumis.portal.deployment that return types with arguments of type IModule
 Collection<IModule> IDeploymentManager.getModules(ModuleType moduleType)
          Returns the currently installed modules of the specified type.
 Collection<IModule> DeploymentManager.getModules(ModuleType moduleType)

Methods in lumis.portal.deployment with parameters of type IModule
 void IDeploymentManager.start(IModule module)
          Starts the execution of a module.
 void DeploymentManager.start(IModule module)
 void IDeploymentManager.stop(IModule module)
          Stops the execution of a module.
 void DeploymentManager.stop(IModule module)
 void IDeploymentManager.undeploy(IModule module)
          Undeploys a module from the portal servers.
 void DeploymentManager.undeploy(IModule module)

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