Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPostLoadProcessor
lumis.service.categorization Service that allows you to categorize portal content into hierarquical terms. 
lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks Provides classes used by content's publish to social networks. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.source.postloadprocessor Contains the service for managing websites. 
lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.postload Provides the post load processor used by social network integration service. 

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.content.control.autolayout

Classes in lumis.content.control.autolayout that implement IPostLoadProcessor
static class AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl.CategorizationTermNamePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the categorization name given its content identifier.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.content.source.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.content.source.postloadprocessor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ContentNamePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the content name given its identifier.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ChannelNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
 class NamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
 class PageNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
 class RowLinkPostLoadProcessor
          Post Load Processor that generates a link for a field.
 class RowProcessActionPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that generates a process action script.
 class ServiceInstanceNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
 class SortPostLoadProcessor
          This class can be used to sort a TabularSource after it's fully loaded and had it's values translated.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.categorization

Classes in lumis.service.categorization that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ParentTermDisplayPostLoadProcessor
          Generates the value for the parentTermDisplay field.
 class ServiceInstanceDisplayPostLoadProcessor
          Generates the value for the serviceInstanceDisplay field,
 class TermDetailsPostLoadProcessor
          Provides term parent information for the term's details interface.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks

Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class AdminSocialNetworkMessagesPostLoadProcessor
          IPostLoadProcessor that handles the social network messages administration.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.doui.filters

Classes in lumis.service.doui.filters that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class FilterableFieldsPostLoadProcessor
          Remove from a TabularData populated with source fields all fields that cannot be filtered

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.doui.orderby

Classes in lumis.service.doui.orderby that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class DataTypeFilterPostLoadProcessor

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ForumMessageListPostLoadProcessor
          Post processor responsible for building the message action buttons
 class ForumMessageQuotePostLoadProcessor
          Post processor responsible for parsing special tags on forum messages.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class PrefixRemovalPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that removes the prefix from a principal shortId.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ImageInfoFetcherPostLoadProcessor
          Adds information about an image in a source field.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class EditWidgetPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor responsible for fill extra information about widget.
 class WidgetListPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor responsible for indicating which widgets are allowed to be dragged into the personalized page.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class StringReplacePostLoadProcessor
          A post load processor that replaces strings in the fields of the source.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ChannelPropertyBagPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the private property bag properties of the channel.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ChannelTemplatePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the extra properties of the channel.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ModulePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor for the deployment module source.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class PrincipalPostLoadProcessor
          Processes the genericacl principalList source, removing the principals the current user may not see.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class PagePropertyBagPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the private property bag properties of the page.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class PageTemplatePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that loads the extra properties of the page.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.source.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.source.postloadprocessor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class EditSocialNetworkPostLoadProcessor
          IPostLoadProcessor that injects the "serviceId" field if a service instance id is present in the source.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class WebsitePostLoadProcessor
          This post load processor calculates the informations (Main URL, static directory path) used on the administration list.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class InterfaceInstanceStyleNamePostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that fills the Interface Style Name applied in the current interface instance.
 class StyleDependencyPostLoadProcessor
          Post load processor that fills all informations about style dependency.
 class StyleNameTranslatorPostLoadProcessor

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.rss

Classes in lumis.service.rss that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class RssPostLoadProcessor
          Responsible for setting the href value for each rss.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.postload

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.postload that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class SocialNetworkNamePostLoadProcessor
          Post Load Processor to fills the social network name.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.postloadprocessor that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class CommentsListPostLoadProcessor

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in

Classes in that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class VoteOptionPostLoadProcessor
          Fills the field 'options' with a xml value containing the question's options information.
 class VotePercentCalculatorPostLoadProcessor
          Fills the fields votePercentValue and votePercentDisplay with the percent value.

Uses of IPostLoadProcessor in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui that implement IPostLoadProcessor
 class ClonedPortletUsePostLoadProcessor
          IPostLoadProcessor implementation to translate service interface instance identification to a human readable form (with service interface instance's display name and page path).
 class ClonePortletPostLoadProcessor
          IPostLoadProcessor implementation to post process cloned portlets.

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