Class QueryCreateTable

Package class diagram package QueryCreateTable
  extended by lumis.util.query.QueryBase
      extended by lumis.util.query.QueryCreateTable

public class QueryCreateTable
extends QueryBase

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
fields, filters, mainTable, queryAssignments, tables
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getPrimaryKeyFieldId()
          Returns the field id of the field that should be created as the primary key.
 void setPrimaryKeyFieldId(java.lang.String primaryKeyFieldId)
          Sets the field id of the field that should be created as the primary key.
Methods inherited from class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
addField, addFilter, addQueryAssignment, addTable, getFieldById, getFields, getFilters, getQueryAssignments, getTable, getTable, getTableByRelationId, getTables, setTable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryCreateTable()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getPrimaryKeyFieldId()
Returns the field id of the field that should be created as the primary key. A field with the given id must exist in this query.


public void setPrimaryKeyFieldId(java.lang.String primaryKeyFieldId)
Sets the field id of the field that should be created as the primary key. A field with the given id must exist in this query.

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