Uses of Class

Packages that use UserFollows

Uses of UserFollows in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager

Methods in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager that return UserFollows
 UserFollows UserFollowsManager.findByFollowedUserAndSocialNetwork(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String followedUserId, java.lang.String serviceInstanceId, java.lang.String socialNetworkId)
          Method used to find out if the current user is following another user in a given social network.

Methods in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager that return types with arguments of type UserFollows
 java.util.List<UserFollows> UserFollowsManager.findByUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Method that retrieves a list of "UserFollows" relationships given an user id

Methods in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager with parameters of type UserFollows
 void UserFollowsManager.remove(UserFollows userFollows)
          Method that deletes an UserFollows relationship

Uses of UserFollows in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity

Subclasses of UserFollows in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity
 class UserFollowsDecorator
          Util class used to return extra information about the User following process in the Microblog Service.

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