Class ImageSourceField

Package class diagram package ImageSourceField
  extended by lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
      extended by lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
          extended by lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
              extended by lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
                  extended by lumis.service.image.field.ImageSourceField
All Implemented Interfaces:
ISourceField, ITabularSourceField, ITableSourceField

public class ImageSourceField
extends GenericTableSourceField

An image source field.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
localizeResourceQueryField, lookupQueryField
Fields inherited from class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
columnName, primaryKey, primaryName, searchable
Fields inherited from class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
converter, dataType, defaultValue, definitionNode, display, doOptionLookup, externalData, getData, id, introduction, keywords, localize, maximumValue, minimumValue, name, parentId, pattern, readOnly, required, requiredWhenVisible, source
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void convertRowToFieldData(ISourceData databaseRow, ISourceData sourceRow)
          Converts a row read from the data provider to this source field type.
protected  java.lang.Object convertToQueryFieldValue(QueryField queryField, java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the value to the value to be assigned to the given query field.
 TableSourceFieldMapping getTableMapping(QueryBase queryBase)
          Returns the table mapping for this field.
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
getAssignedValue, getDefaultInsertValue, getDisplayQueryField, getQueryAssignments, getQueryAssignments, getQueryField, getQueryField, getQueryFilter, getQuerySortOrders, init
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
getColumnName, isInsertable, isPrimaryKey, isPrimaryName, isSearchable, isUpdatable
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
convertToFieldValueClass, createConverter, createDataType, getConverter, getDataType, getDefaultControlDefinition, getDefaultInputControlDefinition, getDefaultValue, getDefaultViewControlDefinition, getDefinitionNode, getId, getMaximumValue, getMinimumValue, getName, getValueClass, isDisplay, isExternalData, isGetData, isIntroduction, isKeywords, isLocalize, isParentId, isReadOnly, isRequired, isRequiredWhenVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface lumis.doui.source.field.ITabularSourceField
isPrimaryKey, isSearchable
Methods inherited from interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
getConverter, getDataType, getDefaultControlDefinition, getDefaultInputControlDefinition, getDefaultValue, getDefaultViewControlDefinition, getDefinitionNode, getId, getMaximumValue, getMinimumValue, getName, getValueClass, isDisplay, isExternalData, isGetData, isIntroduction, isKeywords, isParentId, isPrimaryName, isReadOnly, isRequired, isRequiredWhenVisible

Constructor Detail


public ImageSourceField()
Method Detail


public TableSourceFieldMapping getTableMapping(QueryBase queryBase)
                                        throws PortalException
Description copied from interface: ITableSourceField
Returns the table mapping for this field. This specifies how the field data is accessed.

Specified by:
getTableMapping in interface ITableSourceField
getTableMapping in class GenericTableSourceField
queryBase - the query the mapping will be used.
the field table mapping.


public void convertRowToFieldData(ISourceData databaseRow,
                                  ISourceData sourceRow)
Description copied from class: BaseTabularSourceField
Converts a row read from the data provider to this source field type.

This base implementation just copies the value in the database row relative to this field's id to the source row using the same id, converting it using BaseSourceField.convertToFieldValueClass(Object, java.util.Locale, String).

Specified by:
convertRowToFieldData in interface ITabularSourceField
convertRowToFieldData in class GenericTableSourceField
databaseRow - a row containing the original data.
sourceRow - the row to be populated with this field's data.


protected java.lang.Object convertToQueryFieldValue(QueryField queryField,
                                                    java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: GenericTableSourceField
Convert the value to the value to be assigned to the given query field.

convertToQueryFieldValue in class GenericTableSourceField
queryField - the query field.
value - the original value.
the value converted.

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