Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMailDestination

Uses of IMailDestination in lumis.portal.sendmail

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail that return IMailDestination
 IMailDestination SendMailManager.createMailDestination()
 IMailDestination ISendMailManager.createMailDestination()
          Factory method for creating a new mail destination instance.

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail that return types with arguments of type IMailDestination
 java.util.Collection<IMailDestination> IMultipleMail.getDestinations()
          Returns a collection of destinations for this mail.

Uses of IMailDestination in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao that return IMailDestination
 IMailDestination ISendMailDao.createMailDestination()
          Factory method for creating a new mail destination instance.
 IMailDestination ISendMailDao.fetchNextPendingDestination(IMultipleMail multipleMail)
          Returns for the next destination pending for sending for the given mail, and marks its status as sending.

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao with parameters of type IMailDestination
 ISingleMail ISendMailDao.createSingleMail(IMultipleMail mail, IMailDestination destination)
          Returns a ISingleMail instance as the given mail addressed to the given destination.

Uses of IMailDestination in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate that return IMailDestination
 IMailDestination SendMailDaoHib.createMailDestination()
 IMailDestination SendMailDaoHib.fetchNextPendingDestination(IMultipleMail mail)

Methods in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate with parameters of type IMailDestination
 ISingleMail SendMailDaoHib.createSingleMail(IMultipleMail mail, IMailDestination destination)
          This implementation actually uses the same mail instance, only sets the values in the to, cc and bcc fields.

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