Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyBag
lumis.portal.propertybag Provides the storage of property values in a hierarchical structure. 

Uses of PropertyBag in lumis.portal.propertybag

Methods in lumis.portal.propertybag that return PropertyBag
 PropertyBag PropertyBagManager.get(java.lang.String propertyBagId)
 PropertyBag IPropertyBagManager.get(java.lang.String propertyBagId)
          Returns the property bag with the given identifier.
 PropertyBag PropertyBag.getParentPropertyBag()
          Returns the parent property bag object.
 PropertyBag Property.getPropertyBag()
          Returns the parent property bag of this property.

Methods in lumis.portal.propertybag with parameters of type PropertyBag
 void PropertyBagManager.add(PropertyBag bag)
 void IPropertyBagManager.add(PropertyBag bag)
          Persists a property bag.
 void PropertyBagManager.delete(PropertyBag bag)
 void IPropertyBagManager.delete(PropertyBag bag)
          Deletes the given property bag.
 void PropertyBag.setParentPropertyBag(PropertyBag parentPropertyBag)
          Sets the parent property bag.

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