Package lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin
Contains implementation specific for the layoutfile processing for admin perspective.


Interface Summary
IPortalStudioPageRenderer Provides methods for rendering page HTML fragments and obtaining information necessary for processing the layout, when the page is rendered within the Portal Studio.

Class Summary
AddInterfaceBehavior Behavior that provides the javascript for processing an add of an interface, during the edit of a page.
AdminPerspectiveMarkupFilter Filters the perspective for the Administration mode.
ForEachLayoutFileHolderComponent Component that creates a ListView with an item for each holder available at the page layout file markup.
HolderIdComponent Render holderId from parent RenderHolderComponent.
MoveInterfaceBehavior Behavior that provides the javascript for processing a move of an interface, during the edit of a page.
PortalStudioBodyMiddleComponent Injects the components HTML for portal studio
PortalStudioHeaderPanel Renders Portal Studio header HTML fragment.
PortalStudioHeadPanel Renders HEAD HTML fragment required by the Portal Studio.
PortalStudioLayoutFileMarkupFilter Markup filter included when a page is rendered within the Portal Studio.
PortalStudioMarkupResourceStream MarkupResourceStream implementation used to tag a markup resource stream as being used for the Portal Studio.
PortalStudioMarkupResourceStreamProvider Markup resource stream provider used when inside the Portal Studio.
RemainingHoldersPanel Panel that renders the holders present in the page layout that has not been rendered in the page.
RemoveInterfaceBehavior Behavior that provides the javascript for removing an interface, during the edit of a page.
RenderPortalStudioFooterComponent Renders a body footer specific for the Portal Studio.
RenderWorkPaneHeaderComponent Renders the Portal Studio's work pane header.
SaveHoldersLayoutBehavior Behavior that provides the javascript for processing the save of the layout of a page.

Package lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin Description

Contains implementation specific for the layoutfile processing for admin perspective.


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