Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICipher
lumis.portal.crypto Provides the API for cryptographic related operations. 

Uses of ICipher in lumis.portal.crypto

Subinterfaces of ICipher in lumis.portal.crypto
 interface ICipherSpi
          Interface to be implemented by customized ciphers.

Classes in lumis.portal.crypto that implement ICipher
 class AbstractCipher
          An abstract ICipher implementation for easing concrete implementations.
 class MessageDigestCipher
          Uses a MessageDigest algorithm to encrypt data.
 class SymmetricCipher
          Generic cipher implementation, based on symmetric ciphers available in the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA).

Methods in lumis.portal.crypto that return ICipher
 ICipher ICryptoManager.getOneWayCipher()
          Returns a one-way cipher.
 ICipher CryptoManager.getOneWayCipher()
 ICipher ICryptoManager.getReversibleCipher()
          Returns a cipher that is able to encrypt data, and decrypt it back.
 ICipher CryptoManager.getReversibleCipher()

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