Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStepHandler

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.doui.upgrade

Classes in lumis.doui.upgrade that implement IStepHandler
 class UnregisterControlTypeStepHandler
          Unregister the specified control type.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade

Classes in lumis.upgrade that implement IStepHandler
 class DropTableIfExistsStepHandler
          Drops a table if it exists.
 class RegisterServiceStepHandler
          Registers a service.
 class RunSqlStepHandler
          Step handler that executes a sql statement.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_0_11_071204_0

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_0_11_071204_0 that implement IStepHandler
 class AddNavigationPrincipals
          Inserts principals metadata for the navigation service.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_0_9_070409_0

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_0_9_070409_0 that implement IStepHandler
 class UpdateMailPassword
          Updates the passwords stores in lum_MailConfig, encoding their values.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_1_0_080107_9

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_1_0_080107_9 that implement IStepHandler
 class ContentConversion
          Converts the content metadata in the database.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_0_080227_1

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_0_080227_1 that implement IStepHandler
 class IntroductionLoading
          Updates the introduction field in lum_ContentVersion for all content versions.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_0_080515_4

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_0_080515_4 that implement IStepHandler
 class UpdateCommentTotal
          Updates the data for the lum_CommentTotal table.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_081016_4

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_081016_4 that implement IStepHandler
 class AddChannelAndPagePropertyBags
          Creates property bags for all pages and channels without a property bag.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_081028_0

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_081028_0 that implement IStepHandler
 class CleanupInheritingAclEntries
          Deletes inheriting ACL entries without a corresponding parent entry.

Uses of IStepHandler in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_090407_16

Classes in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_4_2_1_090407_16 that implement IStepHandler
 class MigratePageCacheDataToWebResource
          Migrates data from lum_CachedPage* to lum_WebRes* tables and the new lum_CachedPage* tables.

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