Package lumis.portal.transaction

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.transaction
The portal transaction framework.


Interface Summary
ITransaction Represents a transaction that offers persistence access.
ITransactionObserver Observer that wants to be notificated about an ITransaction's events.

Class Summary
AbstractTransactionObserver Implementation of ITransactionObserver that does not affect the outrun of a transaction.
PortalTransactionFactory Factory for obtaining ITransaction instances.
TransactionCleanupFilter Cleanups the transactions in the thread, not properly disposed, after the request is processed.

Exception Summary
TransactionRequiredException Indicates that a transaction is required but was not found.

Package lumis.portal.transaction Description

The portal transaction framework. Provides and manages transactions for persistence access.

The PortalTransactionFactory provides methods for obtaining ITransaction instances. Use PortalTransactionFactory.createTransaction(boolean) for creating new transactions. The boolean parameter indicates if the created transaction will be associated with the current thread as the current active transaction. The current active transaction in a thread is returned by PortalTransactionFactory.getCurrentTransaction().

The the current transaction management is done by a stack associated with the current thread. When an active transaction ends (by executing its dispose method), the previously active transaction (next transaction in the stack) becomes the current transaction for the thread.

The recommended code pattern for creating a new transaction is the following:

 ITransaction transaction = PortalTransactionFactory.createTransaction(); // create transaction object
        // execute transactional operations
        transaction.dispose(); // automatically rolls back if commit was not executed


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