
Package class diagram package
Provides access to report configuration and definition.


Interface Summary
IReportManager Provides report related operations.

Class Summary
Report Holds configuration information of a Report.
ReportManager Implementation of report management operations.
ReportParameter A parameter entry of a Report.
ReportType The type of a Report.
ReportTypeParameter A parameter of a report type.

Package Description

Provides access to report configuration and definition.

Operations are provided by IReportManager, available in ManagerFactory.getReportManager().

Entities in this package may also be accessed through EntityManager available in ManagerFactory.getEntityManager(). The entities are ReportType, ReportTypeParameter, Report and ReportParameter.

A ReportType contains definitions and configurations for a type based on which Report may be created. Report may also contain some specific configurations, and are the instances on which the user generates the report view.


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