Uses of Interface

Packages that use IClusterMember
lumis.portal.cluster Contains the portal cluster framework API. 
lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver Contains the implementation for the portal cluster framework when multi-server environment is enabled. 

Uses of IClusterMember in lumis.portal.cluster

Methods in lumis.portal.cluster that return IClusterMember
 IClusterMember SingleServerClusterManager.getLocalMember()
 IClusterMember IClusterManager.getLocalMember()
          Returns the current cluster member object.

Methods in lumis.portal.cluster that return types with arguments of type IClusterMember
 Collection<IClusterMember> SingleServerClusterManager.getMembers()
 Collection<IClusterMember> IClusterManager.getMembers()
          Returns a collection with information about the current members of this cluster.

Uses of IClusterMember in lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver

Methods in lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver that return IClusterMember
 IClusterMember JGroupsClusterManager.getLocalMember()

Methods in lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver that return types with arguments of type IClusterMember
 Collection<IClusterMember> JGroupsClusterManager.getMembers()

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