Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDouiDataType

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.content.source.field.type

Classes in lumis.content.source.field.type that implement IDouiDataType
 class WorkflowStateDataType
          Data type for a workflow state.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.doui.control

Fields in lumis.doui.control declared as IDouiDataType
protected  IDouiDataType DataControl.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE
          The instance used for dataType for controls for which the data type is not known.

Methods in lumis.doui.control that return IDouiDataType
protected  IDouiDataType DataControl.createDataType()
          Creates the data type to be used for this control.
protected  IDouiDataType DataBoundControl.createDataType()
          Creates the data type to be used for this control.
protected  IDouiDataType DataControl.getDataType()
          Returns the data type for this control.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.doui.datatype

Classes in lumis.doui.datatype that implement IDouiDataType
 class AbstractDouiDataType
          Base implementation for the IDouiDataType interface.

Methods in lumis.doui.datatype that return IDouiDataType
static IDouiDataType DouiDataTypeFactory.getInstance(String id)
          Creates and returns a doui data type instance.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.doui.source.field.type

Subinterfaces of IDouiDataType in lumis.doui.source.field.type
 interface ISourceFieldDataType
          A data type of a ISourceField

Classes in lumis.doui.source.field.type that implement IDouiDataType
 class AbstractSourceFieldDataType
          Base implementation for the ISourceFieldDataType interface.
 class BooleanDataType
          A boolean data type.
 class ChannelDataType
          Channel data type.
 class DateDataType
          A date data type.
 class DateTimeDataType
          A date time data type.
 class DoubleDataType
          A double data type.
 class FileDataType
          A file data type.
 class FilesDataType
          A files data type.
 class GuidDataType
          A guid data type.
 class HtmlDataType
          A html data type.
 class IntegerDataType
          A integer data type.
 class LongDataType
          A long data type.
 class PageDataType
          Page data type.
 class PageOrPageTemplateDataType
          Page or page template data type.
 class PageTemplateDataType
          Page template data type.
 class ParentContentDataType
          A parent content data type.
 class PrincipalDataType
          A principal data type.
 class StringDataType
          A string data type.
 class TextDataType
          A text data type.
 class TimeDataType
          A time data type.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.service.chatroom

Classes in lumis.service.chatroom that implement IDouiDataType
 class AnyDataType
          A data type that allows any type of value.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.service.document.field

Classes in lumis.service.document.field that implement IDouiDataType
 class DocumentDataType
          A document data type.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.service.image.field

Classes in lumis.service.image.field that implement IDouiDataType
 class ImageDataType
          An image data type.

Uses of IDouiDataType in lumis.service.resourcescheduler

Classes in lumis.service.resourcescheduler that implement IDouiDataType
 class ResourcesDataType
          A resources data type.

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