Package lumis.util.query

Package class diagram package lumis.util.query
Interface Summary
IQueryAdapter Responsible for preparing select, insert and update queries for IQueryStatements.
IQueryFilter Interface for query filters
IQueryStatement Instances of this interface represents a statement that can be executed using this interface's method.
IQueryValue Interface representing a generic query value

Class Summary
QueryAssignment Represents a query assignment
QueryBase Base object for all queries
QueryDelete Represents a query delete statement
QueryField Represents a query field
QueryFieldTypes Constants for query field data types.
QueryFilter Implementation of a query filter object
QueryFilterBase Filters should extend this class
QueryFilterGroup Represents a collection of filters
QueryInsert Represents a query insert statement
QuerySelect Represents a select statement
QuerySortOrder Represents the sort order of a query.
QueryTable Represents a table object within a query.
QueryUpdate Represents a query update table.
QueryValue Represents a query value

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