Package lumis.service.mailmarketing

Package class diagram package lumis.service.mailmarketing
Class Summary
Bulletin Object that represents a bulletin
Category A mail marketing category.
MailMarketingBulletinAddDataProcessActionHandler Adds the selected categories to the bulletin
MailMarketingBulletinUpdateDataProcessActionHandler Updates the selected categories of the bulletin
MailMarketingClock Searches for bulletins that are waiting to be published and publishes them.
MailMarketingSendTestEmailProcessActionHandler Sends a test email to the given user
UserCancelSubscriptionProcessActionHandler Deletes the user subscription and subscription categories
UserEmailVerifierControl Controls that displays a message in case the current user does not have his e-mail information present on his register.
UserSubscription Object that represents the user subscription
UserSubscriptionInterface Renders the interface only if the current user is not guest.
UserSubscriptionProcessActionHandler Handles user subscription

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