Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidatorControl

Uses of ValidatorControl in lumis.doui.control.validator

Subclasses of ValidatorControl in lumis.doui.control.validator
 class DateCompareValidatorControl
          A date comparision validator control.
 class DateDataTypeValidatorControl
          Validator for date, date-time or time values.
 class EmailValidatorControl
          Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided is formatted as a valid email address.
 class FileNameValidatorControl
          Control to validate filenames
 class FileSizeValidatorControl
          File Size Validator
 class HtmlEditorValidatorControl
          Validator for html text.
 class IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
          Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided is a valid integer.
 class LengthValidatorControl
          Validator that verifies the size of the value.
 class NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
          Validator for number values, based on a decimal format pattern and on the session locale.
 class RegularExpressionValidatorControl
          Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided matches the regular expression specified in the expression attribute of the validator.
 class RequiredValueValidatorControl
          Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control has a value that is not null.
 class RequiredValueWhenVisibleValidatorControl
          This is a client side only validating control.

Uses of ValidatorControl in

Subclasses of ValidatorControl in
 class SearchQueryValidatorControl
          Validate the query sintax against search engine in use

Uses of ValidatorControl in lumis.service.doui.filters

Subclasses of ValidatorControl in lumis.service.doui.filters
 class FilterUniqueIdValidator

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