Artificial Intelligence Assistant
Setting up the AI Assistant on the Portal
To be able to view the icon of the artificial intelligence assistant in the fields, you will first need to configure the integration with the OpenAI API in Settings » Frameworks » Artificial Intelligence, and in configuration, fill in the fields of the OpenAI Integration Configuration interface appropriately.
Once this configuration is done, you will be able to see the assistant's icon when hovering over the fields where the AI assistant is enabled.
Using the Artificial Intelligence Assistant
For example, if we take the management of the News service, when clicking on add or edit an item, the interface with the content information is shown. When hovering over the title field (input text), the assistant's icon appears in the top right corner.
The same icon can be seen in the introduction field (text-area) and in the text/HTML editor:
By clicking on the AI assistant icon, the assistant's form will be displayed. In this form, the following fields are shown:
- Instructions for modifying the text: Indicates which commands the AI should use to modify the initial content, among some predefined commands or customized by the user.
- Translate to: Field used to translate the content to another available language
- Generated content: Displays the content after the AI has made the changes. It can be edited after the AI transformation.
- Initial content: Displays the content as it was before the AI made any changes.
In the Instructions for modifying the text field, the following options can be selected:
- More eye-catching
- More fix grammar errors
- More formal
- More casual
- More verbose
- Less verbose
- Generate a variant of this content
- Customized
We can, for example, take the introduction field with the following text:
"Come check out the news from the new version of LumisXP. This new version contains artificial intelligence features, tree administration, content performance field, and much more.",
Selecting the More eye-catching option to improve this sentence, and in the Generated content field, the final result of the AI transformation will be displayed.
This area is editable, so it is still possible to edit over the AI changes. To confirm the change, click on Use generated text and the change will be saved.
The Customized instruction, when selected, displays a new field that allows the user to input commands on how they would like the content to be transformed. We can go to the news title field and use the customized instruction to ask the assistant to generate a title for our news:
Entering the introduction text in the editor, I now return to the AI assistant, and using the customized instruction, I input some commands to ask it to increase the amount of information:
Saving these changes, we have our content generated from the AI assistant.
From this content, I could later return to it to create a version in English using the AI assistant and the Translate to field. Or edit the content and adapt it as necessary.