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    Artificial Intelligence: Integration Configuration with OpenAI

    Integration configuration details page with OpenAI. After filling in the fields properly and saving, the AI resources are made available through the portal.


    • It is an administration interface


    Integration Configuration with OpenAI
    • Basic Information
      • API Key (string): Key used to connect with the OpenAI API. If empty, the artificial intelligence functionalities will be disabled.
      • AI Model for embedding calculation (string, required field): Defines the embedding model used for the request. Ex: text-embedding-ada-002
      • Block size for embedding calculation (characters) (integer, required field): Maximum size of fragments generated, in number of characters, when calculating embeddings of a text.
    • Content Indexing
      • Enable embedding calculation in indexing for search (boolean): Indicates whether the default indexing for search should calculate embeddings of indexed texts. Calculating embeddings implies sending the corresponding text to be processed by OpenAI
      • Enable embedding calculation in indexing for private content searches (boolean): If disabled, only the indexing of content that is permitted to be viewed by all users will have its embeddings calculated. If enabled, the indexing of any content will have its embeddings calculated. Calculating embeddings implies sending the corresponding text to be processed by OpenAI.
    • Content Assistant
      • Enable content assistant (boolean): Defines whether the OpenAI content assistant API will be enabled or not.
      • AI Model used in content assistant (string, required field): Artificial intelligence model that will be used by the content assistant. Ex: gpt-4o-mini
    • Virtual Assistant
      • Maximum size (in number of characters) of the knowledge fragment (integer, required field): Defines the maximum number of characters that a knowledge fragment can have to use with the virtual assistant. Example: 2048.
      • Model for chat completion (string, required field): Artificial intelligence model that will be used by the virtual assistant. Ex: gpt-4o-mini
      • Model for text analysis (string)
      • Maximum number of knowledge items searched per interaction (integer, required field): Defines the maximum number of knowledge items that the AI searches for in each interaction. Default value: 5.
      • Maximum number of interactions in processed context (integer, required field): Specifies the maximum number of interactions that the Virtual Assistant will perform in the context. Default value: 3.
    • Customer Experience AI Assistant
      • Enable Customer Experience AI Assistant (boolean, required field, default value: true): Defines whether the customer experience assistant will be enabled in the portal or not. By default, this option is already enabled.
      • Model for chat completion (string, default value: gpt-4-turbo-preview): Artificial intelligence model that will be used by the customer experience assistant. Ex: gpt-4o
      • Maximum number of interactions in processed context (integer, default value: 5): Defines the number of interactions that will be conducted in the processed context.
      • Variation intensity (integer, default value: 30): Value from 0 to 100 that indicates the intensity of variation of the result generated by the artificial intelligence. Lower values generate responses understood by the artificial intelligence as more common or expected, and higher values generate more varied responses, providing a more creative effect but with the possibility of lower accuracy.
      • Additional instructions for AI (text): Field that defines custom instructions that can be entered to customize the behavior of the customer experience assistant. Example:
        • To ensure that reports are organized by the channel path, write in the field: When presenting data grouped by channel, prefer to group by the channel path instead of by the channel name.


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit