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    RSS: Administration

    The RSS service has an administrative environment for the content editor to register RSS feeds and generate the XML file with news content, notifications, among other types of content, corresponding to the subject (categories) of the RSS.


    • It is an administration interface





    • Name(string) : Mandatory field that must be filled with the name of the content channel that will be displayed in the list, before each feed (XML file). Corresponds to the category of the subject of the content to be selected by the user.
    • Service(string) : Mandatory field that must be filled with the name of the content service registered in the portal and used by the solution.
    • Language(string)
    • Status(string)



    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Generate Xml : Through this button, .XML files will be generated for each registered Rss.
    • Delete RSS : Through this action it is possible to remove a previously registered RSS.