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    Meeting Room Schedule: Appointment Management

    Allows the management of appointments in a meeting room. Provides the registration of new appointments, editing of previously existing appointments, and also the deletion of already registered appointments.


    • It is an administration interface


    Appointment Management


    Meeting Time

    • Title(string) : Mandatory field representing the reservation, which may contain the name of the room to be reserved - for example, "Reserve Room 2" - or even the reason for the appointment - for example, "Meeting X".
    • Room(identifier) : Must be filled with one of the registered rooms that is not allocated in another appointment for the same period.
    • Start Date(date and time) : Mandatory field to be filled with the date and time that the resource(s) will not be available for another reservation. By default, the current date/time is set.
    • End Date(date and time) : Mandatory field to be filled with the date and time that the resource(s) will be available for other reservations. By default, it is set to one hour more than the current time.
    • Responsible(user or group) : Mandatory field to specify the person responsible for the resource reservation. By default, the current user (authenticated on the portal) is displayed, but the resource can be reserved for another person.

    Meeting Agenda

    • Name(string) : Mandatory field that must contain the name of the resource.
    • Last Modification(date and time)
    • Views in the Last 30 Days(string)



    • Schedule: It is allowed to schedule new times.


    • Delete appointment