Open the menu


    When creating a page:


    When creating a page:


    Basic Information

    • Name: Name of the page to be displayed in the hierarchical structure of channels and pages and in the portal menu;
    • Generate HTML File: Allows determining whether the page will be cached or not, or if it will inherit what is defined for the channel of the page.
    • Position: The absolute location of the page in the browser and in the Navigation Bar. The first position is represented by 0 (zero). If there are multiple pages with the position set to zero, they are sorted alphabetically in the browser and in the Navigation Bar displayed to the end user of the solution;
    • Hidden: Determines whether the page will be hidden or not in the Navigation Bar. This option should be used for pages that should only be accessed via links from other pages;


    • Layout Type: Allows defining how the HTML code of the page will be generated. The options are:
      1. Inherit Configuration: uses the value defined for the parent channel.
      2. With tables: the code will be generated using the tag html <table>.
      3. Without tables: the code will be generated using the tag html <div> .
      4. Layout file: the code will be generated from the specified layout file. The used file path is relative to the root of the classpath or the folder "lumisdata/shared/def". The layout file can also be in a module or a theme. For more details, please refer to the topic Layout File. It is suggested to have a list of layout files that are in the www folder of the applied themes.

      The default value of the portal framework is to generate html code with a table.

      It is important to note that on tableless pages, what is viewed outside the administrative mode of the portal (outside F2) may differ from what is viewed inside F2.

    • Center Pages: Allows defining whether the entire layout of the page will be centered or not, or if this property will be inherited from the “parent” channel. The default of the portal is not to center the pages;


    • Copy Page (Property visible during page creation): Allows specifying the creation of the page from another existing page. Subsequent changes to the copied page will not be reflected;
    • Move to Channel: Allows specifying the target channel of the page, leaving no replicas;
    • Apply Template: Allows the page to be created from a page template. Thus, all properties used by the template and the interfaces instantiated in it will be passed to the page that has the corresponding template applied. To disassociate the template from the page, simply click the "x" to delete, and the page will not receive updates from the template, keeping the settings that were assigned to the channel with the application of the template.