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    The pages whose parent channel has the channel template applied will inherit the properties.


    Channel Pages

    • Create Page(s) (This property is visible when creating the channel template): Allows you to automatically add one or more pages to the channel template. To do this, simply indicate the names of the pages, separated by “;”. The created pages will receive the indicated names and their position will correspond to their registration order. For example, specifying “Page1; Page2; Page3” will create three pages under the new template: one named “Page1” at position 0, another named “Page2” at position 1, and finally, “Page3” at position 2;
    • Generate HTML File: Allows you to determine whether the pages belonging to the channel that uses such a template will be available as cache HTML or not, or whether it will inherit what is defined for the parent channel of the page;

    Default Page Template

    • Inherit Template: Allows turning on/off the inheritance of the default page template. This property, when selected, allows all pages of this channel template to use the default page template assigned in the parent channel of this template. Additionally, when this property is selected, automatically, the “Default Page Template” field will indicate which template is inherited. If you do not want to use the parent channel's page template, you can choose another;
    • Default Page Template: When inheritance is on, displays the name of the inherited default page template. When inheritance is off, allows assigning to this channel template a page template that will be automatically applied to all pages created under this template. It can also be left undefined, meaning that the pages created in this template will not use any default page template. If inheritance is deactivated, the page template will be defined in the channel template itself, allowing you to assign or not another default page template;


    • Page Layout Type: Allows you to define how the HTML code of the page will be generated. The options are:
    1. Inherit Configuration: uses the value defined for the parent channel.
    2. With tables: the code will be generated using the tag html <table>.
    3. Without tables: the code will be generated using the tag html <div> .
    4. Layout file: the code will be generated from the specified layout file. The path of the file used is relative to the root of the classpath or to the folder "lumisdata/shared/def". The layout file can also be in a module or a theme. For more details, please refer to the Layout File. A list of layout files within the www folder of the applied themes is suggested.

    The default value of the portal's framework is to generate code html with tables.

    It is important to note that on tableless pages, what is viewed outside of the portal's administrative mode (outside the F2) may appear different from what is viewed inside the F2.

    • Center Pages: Allows you to define whether the entire layout of the pages will be centered or not, or whether this property will be inherited from the parent channel. The default of the portal is to not center the pages;

    Example of using a channel template: During the creation of the channel “Channel with Template” the “Apply Template” field of the channel properties was set to “Channel Template A”. Note in the figure below that the created channel has the same hierarchical structure as the template. In addition to this hierarchical structure, the channel created with the template inherited all page layout and access control.
