Open the menu

    Navigation Bar: Administration

    A navigation bar is composed of menu items that are registered in an administrative area by the administrator of the portal.


    • It is an administration interface




    Navigation menu item

    • Name(string) : Name of the linkable menu item to a page or URL.
    • Position(integer) : Required field that determines the position of the menu item in the navigation bar.
    • Parent content(parent content) : Allows specifying which will be the “parent” menu item (already registered) of the item to be registered. When the "parent" menu item is at level zero, it will only be displayed if the “Hide level zero” property is enabled.
    • Type(integer) : Required field that determines whether the menu item will take the form of a link to a URL, Channel Tree (to choose a hierarchical structure of channels and pages to represent) or if the form will be determined in the implementation of a Class in Java.



    • Edit instance service content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Delete