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    Media Repository: Edit

    Allows the publisher to modify existing media. The form displays the registered media that is to be changed.


    • It is an administration interface


    • Title (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Descriptive name for the media.
    • File (file, required field) : File related to the media.
    • Caption (string, maximum length: 255) : Text to be displayed when hovering over the media. When not filled, the title assumes the role of caption. Editing the caption does not change the alt of the media's HTML. This is a behavior of Lumis.
    • Credits (string, maximum length: 255) : Responsible for the media.
    • Publication
      • Publish to Users: Allows specifying which people can access this media. It is possible to inherit permissions from the folder. If inheriting and there is no parent, it will be considered published to all users.?


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit
    • Save and preview content. : Save content and then open the preview screen for that content.