Hierarchical Contents: Hierarchical Details
This interface displays the selected content and is used only to show content of the type "Internal Content".
- This is a details interface
- Title(string) : Title (mandatory) that can be linked and makes up the list of contents.
- Introduction(text) : Text (optional) that accompanies the title in the "Content Menu" interface.
- Image(media) : Illustration (optional) that accompanies the introduction in the "Content Menu" interface.
- Content(html) : Content (mandatory for Internal Contents) that corresponds to its detail. The user is directed to this content by clicking on the title. The registration of this field is done in a text editor that allows formatting types similar to known text editors. It can also be edited in HTML through the "Source Code" option of the text editor.
- Referenced Content(identifier) : The content (mandatory) of the portal to which the user will be directed.