Forum: Forum Management
Allows the management of forums. Provides the registration of new forums, editing of previously existing forums, and also the deletion of already registered forums. The forum can be created to have moderation by some user or not.
- It is an administration interface
- Name(string) : Title of the forum
- Category(identifier) : Category related to the forum
- Moderator(user or group) : A user with the pre-defined permission "Moderate" can be selected to have control over a forum. This control involves opening/blocking topics; and deleting any posted messages.
: Two possible statuses: “Open”, allowing posting of messages and creation of topics; and “Blocked”, preventing the posting of messages (including editing and quoting messages) and creation of topics for that forum.
Once a forum is “Open” and several messages have been posted, if the service administrator changes the status of the forum to “Blocked”, it will continue to be viewable with its topics and messages, but no new topics or messages may be added, and the topics and messages that have already been created can only be deleted by the forum moderator.
- Add Forum (Add)
- Edit Forum (Edit)
- Administer: Allow administration of all categories, forums, topics, and messages of the service. This permission implies that the user also has permission to "Moderate" and "Post Message".
- Delete