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    Chat Room: Add

    Allows the publisher to register new appointments through this form for the end user. The contents will be available in the quick list interfaces and list available in the environment.


    • This is an administration interface


    • Title (string, required field) : The name of the room that will be displayed in the list of rooms.
    • Introduction (text) : Brief description of the subject that can be discussed in the room.
    • User limit (integer, default value: 100) : Allows setting the limit of users participating in the room. By default, the limit is 100 participants. A room can be unlimited in terms of the number of participating users, simply by NOT filling this field with an integer greater than zero. In a moderated room, the moderator is not counted in the number of users.
    • Start (date and time, required field, default value: lum_currentdatetime) : This time determines the date and time that the room will be opened. If this time is not changed, the current time already provided in this field will be assumed.
    • End (date and time) : It is not mandatory to fill in this field, so a room can remain available indefinitely. If a designated end time is set, the room will be unavailable in the room list after that time.
    • Moderated (boolean) : Allows determining if the messages posted in the room will have their views controlled by a moderator. To do this, this field must be selected. When the room is moderated, all sent messages are first received in the moderator’s session and he will authorize or not for viewing of the message (by all users or users of the reserved conversation).
    • Moderator (user or group) : If the room is moderated, in this field it is possible to choose the moderator. A room can have only one moderator.
    • Publication
      • Publication period?
        • Until: The date that this content will be archived. If searchable, the search will not find this content after this date.
      • Publish to instances: Publish the current content to multiple websites/instances?
      • Publish to users: Allows you to specify which people can access this content. This may influence search results.?


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Create Chat Room : Creates a new Chat Room with the given parameters.