Banners: Administration
- This is an administration interface
- Name(string) : Identification of the banner.
- Category(string) : Classification to which a banner is assigned for grouping purposes. The values for the category field must be previously registered in the category administration. It is possible to register a banner without classifying it.
: Indicates the type of content of the banner. The possible values are:
- Image: The banner will be displayed as an image that can contain a link to an external URL or some internal page of the portal.
- Flash: The banner will be displayed as a flash animation.
- Html: The banner will be displayed as HTML content.
- Weight(integer) : This mandatory property applies to banners that will be published in the same area of banners. For banners set as random, this field allows determining the probability of displaying a banner relative to others, assigning a value from 1 to 100 for this field. In non-random (sequential) banners, the banners are displayed in descending order of weight.
- Publication Date(date and time) : Date and time for the banner to be published.
- Expiration Date(date and time) : Date and time for the banner to stop being published.
- Groups(string) : Users and Groups that can view the banner.
- Edit instance service content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.
- Delete
- Duplicate