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    Banners: Administration

    This interface allows managing the banners registered for an instance of the Banners service, enabling the registration of new banners, as well as the editing and deletion of already registered banners.


    • This is an administration interface





    • Name(string) : Identification of the banner.
    • Category(string) : Classification to which a banner is assigned for grouping purposes. The values for the category field must be previously registered in the category administration. It is possible to register a banner without classifying it.
    • Type(integer) : Indicates the type of content of the banner. The possible values are:
      • Image: The banner will be displayed as an image that can contain a link to an external URL or some internal page of the portal.
      • Flash: The banner will be displayed as a flash animation.
      • Html: The banner will be displayed as HTML content.
    • Weight(integer) : This mandatory property applies to banners that will be published in the same area of banners. For banners set as random, this field allows determining the probability of displaying a banner relative to others, assigning a value from 1 to 100 for this field. In non-random (sequential) banners, the banners are displayed in descending order of weight.
    • Publication Date(date and time) : Date and time for the banner to be published.
    • Expiration Date(date and time) : Date and time for the banner to stop being published.
    • Groups(string) : Users and Groups that can view the banner.



    • Edit instance service content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Delete
    • Duplicate