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    LumisXP allows you to develop styles in JavaScript. To create a style in JavaScript, simply choose the programming language "JavaScript" when creating the style.

    For information about the format of a style in script, see the topic Styles in Thymeleaf, JavaScript, and Groovy.

    Below are some examples of styles in JavaScript.

    Quick News List

    In the example above, utility methods provided by LumisXP. For complete information on them, see the topic lum_xpath Variable

    List<Node> lum_xpath.selectNodes(String xpath)

    Returns a list of all Node type Elements with the provided XPath. In JavaScript, the list is converted into an array.

    Map<String, Object> lum_xpath.toMap(Node node)

    Returns a Map<String, Object> representing the provided Node. The conversion rules can be found on the page IXPath. In JavaScript, the map is converted into an array[String] = Object

    Using Property Bag in Style

    This example shows how to read values from a property bag of the current page to a variable in JavaScript, and thus be able to use them in the style.

    Using Environment Property in Style

    This example shows how to read values from an environment property to a variable in JavaScript, and thus be able to use them in the style.